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Foxit Software Incorporated öne çıkan görsel Foxit Software Incorporated öne çıkan görsel
Foxit Software Incorporated simgesi

Foxit Software Incorporated

Foxit Software Inc. is a global software company founded in 2001, known for its expertise in PDF solutions. It offers a wide range of products and services aimed at creating, editing, signing, and securing PDF documents. One of its flagship products is Foxit PDF Editor (formerly Foxit PhantomPDF), which competes directly with Adobe Acrobat by offering powerful PDF creation and editing tools at a more affordable price. The company has grown significantly, establishing itself as one of the leading providers of fast, secure, and lightweight PDF software.
Foxit PDF Editor simgesi
Herhangi bir PDF dosyasındaki içeriği düzenleyin
1.3 M indirilenler
Foxit PDF Reader Portable simgesi
Herhangi bir şeyi kurmak zorunda kalmadan bir PDF belgesini okuyun
561.6 k indirilenler

Foxit Software Incorporated tarafından daha fazla uygulama

Foxit PDF Reader simgesi
Yenilikçi özelliklerle dolu PDF Okuyucusu
Foxit PhantomPDF simgesi
PDF'lerinizi ücretsiz olarak düzenleyin ve organize edin
Foxit PDF simgesi
Not alma özelliği ile güçlü bir PDF okuyucu
Foxit PDF Reader simgesi
Yenilikçi özelliklere sahip bir PDF okuyucu